Sunday, October 12, 2014

be the best you can be!

Oftentimes we are tasked at being number one!

Our athletic culture celebrates the winner. We put winners on a  pedestal. We give statutes and spotlight to the best actors. We crown the most beautiful women and praise their talent, beauty and intelligence. We award the best physique and the most defined men.We call the elite our heroes. We pay these elite athletes millions of dollars because they win for their teams! We give them an absurd amount of money for hitting the ball out of the ballpark or for scoring so many points at the goal-line, whether its football, soccer or basketball. I get it, it's corporate and it's entertainment and it's for profit.

Herein lies the challenge: that there is someone in second. Someone in Third. And a loser! Sometimes losing by 1/100th of a second. Who wants to be labeled a "Loser?" 

As a society, have we lost our priorities? When do we stop the time-watch to make our kids go faster, stronger, higher? We push our kids to the limit to get the best grades because the best receives the scholarships, the awards, the accolades.

At the end of the day, we all should ask ourselves: "Have I done everything I possibly could have, to be the best person I can be?" We should be teaching our kids that being the best person they can be comes with effort. The key is effort. Are we making strides everyday to affect those around us to become the best person?!

The best "husband." The best "brother." The best "provider." Whatever your role is, always strive to be better than yesterday. Today, is another opportunity to be better than who you were yesterday. Okay, you get the idea. 

We will have days when we fall back two steps. The courage is to be able to get up, dust ourselves off. And strive forward. So, that's the key. Always striving forward. If we keep moving, do we not end up where we are headed? For some it may take awhile. And for others, it may seem that they have no challenges at all and seem always to get ahead. Is it always greener on the other side? 

The self-talk we hear in our head oftentimes is our number one obstacle. Overcoming the voice that tells you, you are not good enough! You are not fast enough! You are not smart enough! And, you are not tall enough!
ENOUGH!!! Stop beating yourself up because YOU are good enough. If you believe that God created you, are you saying that God erred in creating you? He would not have created anything less worthy of His love and His mercy.

Be the best you can be to share His love with one another, and we will truly witness what unconditional love is!

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