The Path to Healing

Sharing doTERRA essential oils...

Miracles do happen

My Collection of doTERRA Essential Oils          

doTERRA, latin meaning "Gift of the Earth", has been offering CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade) Essential Oils since 2007. Countless stories have been shared about the miracles that essential oils have had in people's quest for a more safer, natural and effective way to address their health and wellness goals.

My Travel Kit
It is our sincere hope that you discover the miracles that doTERRA essential oils can have in your family!

With warmest Aloha, Edgar & Norgen Dalit

Introduction to doTERRA Essential Oils

About May 2012, my sister and sister-in-law, Stephanie Saxton and Alane Wright Dalit, came home with their library of oils with their Modern Essential book, looking up references to help my dad with his serious illness and pain discomforts. They applied the oils topically, aromatically and internally. Breathe for his respiratory issues and Frankincense (amongst others) to his feet reflex points and other parts of his body. While his health concerns were very serious, the doTERRA Essential Oils helped him in his few days here on Earth.

While my mom had died back in September 2009 and both Norgen's parents had passed since we were introduced to doTERRA, Norgen felt strongly enough to learn more about the healing powers of doTERRA Essential Oils for the rest of her family's health needs. At first, I was not enthused about another product and another MLM. That was five years ago. Today, I have completely changed my attitude.

I have shared doTERRA essential oils and their other products with some dear friends.  After being on the LifeLong Vitality for a few weeks, they have felt a significant change in their health. Ailing kneels are no longer ailing. Low energy had been transformed into high energy levels. Slim & Sassy has had a profound impact on my own personal transformation. Two years ago, I was 167 lbs with a waist size of 36". Today, I have trimmed down to 140 lbs with waist size of 31". I recently showed my AZ drivers license to a healthcare professional and she doubted that I was the same person!

Greg & Alane Dalit, Steph Saxton, and me (Edgar)

This year, September 2014, I attended doTERRA's annual global convention in Salt Lake City, UT. I was deeply moved, not by the 18,000 attendees, but to witness the reinventing healthcare movement of over 1 million Wellness Advocates around the world. Where the oils are sourced is important. But, what is more impressive is the impact that doTERRA has in these communities worldwide. The quality of the products is unparalleled. The amount of testing that is conducted throughout the entire process from distillation, to
storage and finally to distribution.

Rob Young moderating the Medical Professional Panel (7 doctors in various medical fields)
Speaker, after speaker, some healthcare professionals testifying about the power of doTERRA Essential Oils in the healthcare arena. During the Medical Professional Panel held during the Saturday session, all were in agreement that the current US healthcare system is broken and that something needs to be done. Most were afraid of prescribing to their own family members the actual medications they do for their patients. The potential side-effects of each prescription was alarming to all of them that they would have rather treat their own family members with doTERRA essential oils first! With the number of Wellness Advocates spreading all over the world, it is only a matter of time that America will have to reinvent its healthcare system! And it will start with each family taking control of their health and wellness. It does start with one individual deciding to eat better, exercise more and control how they treat their individual health concerns.

The long drives from Phoenix, AZ to Salt Lake City, UT and back to Phoenix, via St. George and Las Vegas had a profound impact on my crystallization of my personal vision and mission for the remainder of my life. I wanted to take the miracles of these alternative healthcare solutions to the masses! Not one family at a time, but one village at a time. One community at a time. I have embarked on an aggressive campaign (although a bit quiet right now), but to solicit the help of a few warriors to be in the forefront of this campaign. We are few in numbers right now. But in a few months and in the upcoming year, we will have a profound impact on how and to whom these doTERRA Essential Oils and other products will be introduced to global villages.

We will solicit the assistance of those that work for the less fortunate and the fragile population to take these precious gifts from God and to help heal the world one village at a time!

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