Friday, October 17, 2014

witness of a warrior in action

the silver lining in challenges.

Central Phoenix- I had just witnessed a genuine act of kindness of a warrior in the battlefield. Sometimes challenges that we face allow us to adapt and to think outside the box instead of accepting defeat.

In lieu of privacy, I will not elaborate on the details.

I have been calling this world we live in a battlefield. We are always battling one challenge after another another. Either we succumb to these challenges and accept defeat, or we persist and dig deep within to find answers to solve these challenges and to strengthen our character even more. But more importantly, it demonstrates to others that there is HOPE. 

Warriors accept the challenge. Warriors lead the cause. Warriors, in the midst of these battles, step up and model what we all should emulate. Can you imagine a world that when we see someone needing assistance, that we ACT? We just don't watch and see others fail. 

In this situation, this Warrior did not know all the circumstances but stepped up anyway! Paying it forward is not only a slogan, it's a way of life for these Warriors I am proud to associate with.

Like the hymn "I Stand All Amazed!", I am truly amazed with the character of these Warriors that I have aligned myself with. If we all bond together anything is possible. There is much work to do. We all have various roles. But, one thing to remember is that we are all WARRIORS!

This just reminds me that my son, Kekoa, and grandsons, Shayde Makoa and Soljah Makoa all have "Koa" part of their names. "KeKoa" in the Hawaiian language means "The Warrior." While, "Makoa" translates to "Courageous/Fearless Warrior."

What seemed to be a simple insurance transaction turned into a great testimony of a Warrior in Action!

May we be blessed because the work we do build villages of HOPE.

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