Sunday, October 12, 2014

learn. live. bless.

learn. live. bless. 

June 2016... invest my energy, my talents, my experiences into FULFILLING my mission! feel blessed for the abundance around me that sometimes are the intangibles! help others get what they desire!


October 2014...
Eighteen years ago, working for FranklinCovey, I had written my vision and mission statements. In addition, I had identified my governing values and set long and short-term goals.

Along the way, life happened and I experienced a myriad of experiences. They were my experiences, my mistakes, my learning. I have been molded and guided ever since. My path, somewhat unconventional, led me to Phoenix, AZ. Since Sept 2014, I have been expanding my insurance services to the Greater Phoenix market. 

Being and living apart from my wife has had it's challenges. My vision was to grow my businesses so that she would not have to work any much harder. As a registered nurse, Norgen works tirelessly, leading her unit at Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children for over 22 years. I thank her for her unconditional love and the sacrifice she bore while I laid the foundation of our future in the middle of the desert.

About six months ago, I had revisited my vision and mission statements to see if they had changed. Resoundingly and absolutely no! What I had written 18 years ago is relevant today. I have embarked with a passion to realize the life I believe I was chosen to do. I have partnered with people that have bought into my mission. Connections and friendships I thought had been long severed, had been reestablished. People and other resources have been brought forward. Speaking my intentions out loud has brought me closer to realizing my mission. 

As I have learned and lived, now is the time to bless others abundantly. I have not been blessed with material abundance and wealth. But, my spirit and beliefs have never wavered.

I implore you all who have come here to read about my journey to take risks! Take Chances! And to allow others to bless you as well. As a dear friend once told me, accept the blessings that have come to you. Now, go forth and bless others too! 

Reflecting on my life experiences, I now know that I have been blessed abundantly with great parents who loved me dearly. With two great kids! And now, grandkids who I adore greatly! I have committed siblings that have inspired me and supported me through my life's journey.

I have been made aware that I have 20 first cousins on my mother's (Arreola Castillo) side and another 27 first cousins on my father's (Cabanting Dalit) side. I may have miscounted a few. There have been a few that I'm sure had passed. I have been meeting some of these cousins through social media.

Through my life-work, I hope to share the message of blessing as a means to heal the world. I don't know where all of this will lead. But, when the day comes that I am at the Pearly White gates, I hope and pray that I am greeted by our Lord and Savior, with the message: "Well done, my faithful servant!"


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